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Olkalou Constituency

Climatic Conditions

Vihiga Constituency experiences Equatorial climate and rains that are influenced by a breeze from Lake Victoria which influences rainfall patterns in the area. The rainfall is well distributed through ought the year with an average rainfall of 1900mm.

Development Challenges in the Constituency
The constituency has inadequate and ran down school infrastructure is expected that the school going population will increase by over 25% and 11.6% at the secondary and primary level by 2022 respectively. The increase in population in these age groups will translate to an increase in enrollment. Consequently, leading into an increase in staffing and school infrasture among other resources.
The growth in the secondary school enrollment is exacerbated with the Governments policy on 100% transition couple with provision of Bursaries. scholarships and increase investment in post-secondary school infrastructure.
Despite improvement enrollment and gender parity in schools, an emerging trend of low retention and high dropout remains a challenge in the constituency. This is further complicated by low enrolment in public vocational training center with less than 1,000 enrolled as at 2018.
During the planned period the Area Member of National Assembly and the NG-CDFC are working closely with other stakeholders to fast track the establishment of Kenya School of government to construct the campus at Logele in South Maragoli.Similar efforts have been put in place to ensure the operationalization of Chanzeywe Technical Training College. Community sensitization in areas with low enrollment/retention rates will be encouraged to keep pupils/students in school. Capacity building of PMCs and encouraging enrolment in the existing vocational training centers. The NG-CDFC has also provided water tanks to Learning institutions under Environment to address water needs in these institutions. This has also improved water harvesting.
Further efforts have been channeled to improve coordination of Bursary programs in order to ensure the bright and needy students are assisted alongside improving day school/low-cost boarding schools within the constituency to attract locals.

Youth and Women
Youth by definition is the population that is between the ages of 18 to 35 years. This productive age in the constituency, constitutes over 25% of the total population. The Youth form a crucial part and play a vital role in the development process of the constituency.
Efforts to bring the youth on board have been mooted to sensitize them to work on registration of groups and develop fundable projects that can attract funding from financial institutions. The plan has coordinated and guided these groups on where they can source funding by closely working with the youth enterprise fund, Women Enterprise Fund, Uwezo Fund and other sources.

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County Assembly Wards in Olkalou Constituency:

Lugaga/Wamuluma Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Lugaga/Wamuluma
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
South Maragoli Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: South Maragoli
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Mungoma Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Mungoma
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of
Central Maragoli Ward
  1. County Assembly Ward No.:
  2. County Assembly Ward Name: Central Maragoli
  3. County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.):
  4. County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.):
  5. County  Assembly Ward Description: comprises part of